Hi All - Well I thoroughly enjoyed being a participant in this year's One World - One Heart giveaway .... I didn't win anything myself but it has given me a list of lovely blog's to visit... yay! I love to see what everyone is up to! and it did break my entry "comment" record ... last year I just wanted to get more than 5 comments and just managed 6 at the end of December ...well for the One WOrld - One Heart entry I had 152... Yay! doing Happy Dance ... also I still have some ATC's available for swapping if you would like to scroll down a couple of entries.....
I went into Perth City today on the trail of "Moleskine" sketchbooks ...without much success ...I have some on order at a local Art supply shop but they are waiting for the main company to put in an order and don't know when it'll be ...typical West Aussie attitude! ... patience is not my virtue in this case ..... have lots of patience when doing things in my studio but when I want something I want it NOW!!! hahaha! .... also struck out on getting a mixed 4 pack of Black Faber Castell Pitt Pens .... but I have discovered a place online in the Eastern (Victoria) States ...so I will probably take that option!
Does anyone know how to stop the type face from changing mid sentence on a blog entry? I start with Trebuchet then it decides to change to something else and I have to highlight it and change it to the Trebuchet again!... grrr!
Here is a pic of my latest Wild Woman ... at my "Stitchety Grub Embroidery Group" this year we are all making them for each other's Birthday pressies ... I can't wait until April 5th to get mine hehe! This one was for my friend Gillian - her birthday was Feb 1 and she likes blue.... it is hand needlefelted with a bit of running stitch (my hand dyed threads) flower sequins and some beads and a little tatted "Frou Frou" on her head ...the shoes I found in a local "cheap all sorts" shop (household bit of craft etc) it was a bag of 6 pairs of shoes for $2 and there weren't any others ...it was just sitting randomly amongst other craft bits hehe! Mine mine mine!
1 comment:
Hi Britt
Found you via a comment you left at Mags. Would love to swap an ATC with you if you have any left.
This is a gorgeous dottee doll too!
I might suggest that as an idea for our creative fibre group.
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