I have some ATC's to swap if anyone out there in Blogland is interested ... here are the first 9 ... all are available except number 6 which has gone to live with Domito in France and now numbers 5 and 9 which are going to live in the UK with Miss 376. ATC's 1-4 are Hand Painted Calico with tatted lace and "bead necklaces". ATC 5 (gone) (a little bit special as I did the embrdoidered lavender when I was pregnant with my son nearly 17 years ago!) has embroidery and tatted lace. ATC 7 is a hand painted on calico Japanese lady ...with tatted/embroidered fan and tiny tassel. ATC's 8 and 9 are hand painted fabric with tatted "flowers" and beads and sequins and ATC 8 is going to live with Pat in the UK. So if you are interested please leave a comment ....
I went to my lace group this morning thank goodness the room is airconditioned as it is very humid today although only 28°c. My daughter is off to Melbourne tomorrow morning (5day shopping spree!) and the forecast over there for the next 4 days is 40°c plus ...unusual for them though most summers we have consecutively hot days like that! For them the last time the weather was like that was apparently 1908!
Ooh, I would love to swap. I love looking at your work
I have emailed you directly Miss 376 as you will probably know by now hehe!
Cheers Britt
Popped back over to say thank you for entering my tatting giveaway for One World One Heart. Good luck to you! :)
I would love number eight or nine, if you can wait a couple of weeks while I produce some swaps?
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