Happy New Year Everyone - Here's a pic of my Meerkat Syd and Tiny Piglet watching the Midnight Foreworks on the TV last night which were of course over in Sydney! Since we decorated our living area all the other "piglets" and toys were put away except these two ... they are my "guards" hehe! Although if I fidget around a bit when reclining and watching the TV.... I have turned to my right and ended up with Syd's nose in my ear haha! I haven't much crafty stuff to show at the moment as I was asked about 3 weeks ago to teach at the Australian Lace Guild AGM week this September over in Brisbane ... a bit short notice (usually have at least 4-8 months notice!!) and the editor of the Aus Lace Magazine has a deadline for the March magazine of 20th January eeeeek! and this is the mag that the "tempters" for the workshops are printed .... so I have been madly designing and making lace ... "Free" bobbin lace.... (was initially asked to do a needle lace one but it was changed a week later!) ...
It's been warm here ... last weekend it was 32-34°c and Tuesday was 39°c ..It was s'posed to be that again today but only got to 37°c !!! I went in our swim pool today ...first time this Summer (Summer here in Aus starts Dec 1 and goes until March 1st) ...I like the pool to be warm... it is a large below ground concrete pool and needs at least 4-5 hot days and warm nights before I think about going in ...it was a luvly swim as I had been sitting still lacemaking over the lace pillow for too long! I worked out a few kinks! I hope you all had a great Festive Season and wish you all the best for 2009 ... I had hoped to get more than 5 comments on any one entry on my blog but it was not to be :-( ...it was my last year's New Year Resolution but Ionly managed to equal it ...so...for this Year's resolution I am hoping I can get up to 6 or more comments on any single entry! ... Please feel free to leave a comment (hint hint hehe) and huge thanks to my loyal few who regularly visit and comment .... I have myself been neglecting my own visits to other blogs ...I have to say that with the Daylight saving kicking in at the end of October I haven't spent as much time on the computer in the evenings as I would like as usually I visit you all whilst waiting for my Sis to log on the Web cam in the UK but the timing is all wrong at the mo! :-( sigh!
Mega hugz to all I feel the need for choc so am off to get some hehe!
Here's the first comment to start you off for the new year. As temperatures here are struggling to get above freezing, I am thinking of you by the pool. Looking forward to seeing the delights you bring us in the new year
I hope your new year is wonderful. Love the meerkat and piglet.
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