Hi All - Happy Australia Day to all my Aussie friends! These pics were taken 5 weeks ago when we (including the UK family who were visiting then) went up to "Guilderton" to Moore River ... Kayaking ... Hubby and I with our own Kayaks and the others hired theirs up there ... today just Hubby and I went up there ...it wasn't so windy this time which was nice as it can be a bit tiring when the wind is coming off the sea and straight up the river! We got there at 9 am and spent just over an hour paddling ... as we were leaving the people were flocking down to the river mouth to celebrate Australia Day! too many people for me ...I can't handle the crowds ...NOT my idea of fun!
The first pic is Dear Daughter in an Hire Kayak ..Then Hubby in his Kayak next to mine obviously I am not in it as I was taking the pic hahaha! Next pic shows us getting ready and the Rellies putting on the sun lotion! and me standing by mine looking extraordinarily unattractive in my Kayaking gear! haha but at least I didn't have my sexy PFD on at this point!
I have done some crafty things the last couple of days mainly a Wild Woman brooch yesterday for my Stitchety Grub Friend, Gillian, whose Birthday it is next week ...so I can't put the pic on here yet 'til I have given it to her! We are having a Hot Dog BBQ and the snags (sausages) are nearly done... the smell is wafting in the door ...so bye for today :-)..... Oh and by the way thanks Miss 326 for your comment on Coopers Quilt ... he has already "Christened" it apparently... he threw up on it and it was chucked in the wash machine and is as good as new! hehe!
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