Hi All
Well as promised here are the pics of my "Pantoran". I have wanted to make one since I did research on both "Torans" and "Pantorans" back in 2000 during my City & Guilds Embroidery course. When I read early last year that Sharon B ( http://sharonb.wordpress.com/ ) was running a challenge for various people around the world to "Take a stitch Tuesday" I was tempted to join but knew I was going to have other commitments during last year that meant I would not be able to keep up with the stitch each week ...However I mentioned it to my ladies in my Stitchety Grub Embroidery Group they thought it a great idea and we decided we could manage a stitch a month ... we put bits of paper with 22 different stitches into a little bag and took turns drawing a stitch at every other fortnightly meeting. Most of the ladies did their stitching onto various "Crazy Patchwork" pieces but I decided to finally do my Pantoran and to do it in the colours which we (Hubby and I) were going to be decorating our bedroom in around early June. In the top photo you can see from the top left to right - the 1st square for the month of February - the feature stitch being "Colonial Knots", the 2nd square is a Falcon featuring the March stitch of "Fly Stitch", the 3rd square is a Peacock featuring "Sheaf Stitch" for April, bottom left - is a Fish featuring "Wheat Ear Stitch" for May, Sequin waste couched down using "Thorn Stitch" for the month of June. In the next pic - top left to right - An E
lephant featuring "Feather Stitch" for the month of July, A square featuring Shisha and "Pekinese Stitch" for the month of August, A tortoise button (given to me a few years ago by a lace friend and I have been saving it for something special!) featuring "Chain Stitch" for October (no stitch chosen in September because of the Australian Lace Guild Conference we all went to!), A square with a "Conch" worked in "Coral Stitch" for November and last but not least a square with an "Ashtadel" (lotus flower) featuring "Couching" for December. As Blogger doesn't seem to want to let me load more pics I will continue in another posting......
1 comment:
Britt this is wonderful, I didn't know what a pantoran is so I googled it and guess what up came Stitcherty Grub!!!! I couldn't find much detail could you explain a little more?
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